Custom Homes in Fairfax

Did you know, that the best way to go green when purchasing a new home is to build custom? While older homes can be updated to include additions like solar panels, nothing is quite as effective as creating a fully green home from the beginning.

At Home Pro Build LLC we have experience incorporating any feature you desire into your custom home, so why not make it green? It is both cost-effective, and great for the planet.

Powered by the Sun

When you think custom and when you think green, it is more and more common for solar panels to come to mind. Panels need to have a south-slanting roof to make use of the sun’s energy so, when your custom home architect is designing your blueprint, they can work this in immediately rather than making it work with a house that may not be ideal.

A solar system for your home will cost between $30,000-$40,000. This may sound pricey, but buyers make at least a 4% return over 20 years—and not only that, but if you decide to sell your custom home, solar power adds resale value. There aren’t many other home investments that save you money, generate income and increase your property value.

So, get ready to save big powering your dream home with the sun!

Powered by the Earth

Geothermal energy is heat energy generated and stored in the Earth. Using this power to heat and cool your home directly is also going to be a cost-effective option. If you live near geothermal reservoirs and hot springs you can use direct geothermal energy – but if not, you can still have a geothermal heat pump for the same results.

Not only is geothermal cost-effective, clean and safe, featuring free hot water generation, but its lifespan typically runs for over 20 years, with minimal maintenance. As for sound, your geothermal system will be just as silent as a refrigerator or freezer.

When you picture your affordable custom home, does that image involve heated floors for when it gets chilly out? With power coming straight from the earth, this is an easy install.

Additional Options

During the design process, you will be given many options by your Home Pro Build LLC custom home designer. The possibility of a high-efficiency, low-cost, environmentally friendly home is one of the biggest perks of going custom. On top of solar and geothermal power, you can install special lighting, windows and appliances that all save energy. There are also a lot of great options to conserve water—you can even use recycled materials for the walls in your home!

We Await Your Call

We love serving the residents of Fairfax and helping them to create their ideal living space. Custom homes are not only a great option for customizability but are often more environmentally friendly than older homes you can snap up on the market.

So call us, email us or stop by our offices today to start the process and begin the rest of your life as a custom homeowner!